CRe00: Who in the world is Charlie Romans?

Hi, I’m Charlie Romans and welcome to the show.

My life is probably a lot like yours. I grew up around here, I traveled a bit, and then I came home. Why? Because it’s home; and like the little girl from Kansas said, there’s no place like it. Home is where the family is and where our friends are – and those two things alone make home the most wonderful place you’ll ever be. Sure, it’s nice to visit other places and do different things, and I did that a lot when I was younger. But you know, there are a lot of cool things to see and do right out our back door. And more things pop up all of the time.

That’s what this show is all about. It’s about the things that our families and friends are doing that are more interesting than we might think. It’s about the entertainment happening just down the road and the talented people we might be passing on the street every day without even knowing it. Who has the best food, the best deals, and the really cool stuff we might want to try at least once in a while. And of course, where do we find all of those people and things? The answers might surprise you.

Long before I became a reporter and a columnist, I enjoyed talking to people. Doing that all these years has taught me that we really don’t realize how interesting or talented we are, and what our area has to offer. People tell me all of the time that they “aren’t that interesting” and that no one wants to “hear about them”. Honestly though, the exact opposite is true. And to prove just that, let me introduce you to some of the friends I have made along the way. You might know them already, but we’ll see “what they’re up to” anyway. . .

Charlie Romans
Charlie Romans
Charlie Romans

Local Kentucky Journalist and Author, Charlie Romans, invites listeners to join him on his journey through his home town to discover the stories behind the best places to live, work, and play.

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